California Lutheran University
My work in Higher Education. Projects ranged from front-end development, UX, marketing design, and client support.
2010 – Present
We worked with an outside agency to design an entirely new website for the university in 2015. This coincided with a new brand style and logo mark the year prior. This new design language would provide us with a fresh start to rethink how our web presence would represent the university.
Previously, the website had built up many layers of legacy both in terms of content organization and front-end code. The new site would be created from the ground up with primarily prospective students in mind, our most key audience as a private university.
I helped to evolve the various design components as we implemented the new site with the OUCampus CMS across the campus. Due to the complexity of the site, the entire CSS framework was written using the SASS preprocessor. As the front-end developer, this streamlines a lot of the code and helps developing consistent looking design elements.
Since then, this design system has been the basis of many auxiliary sites connected to the university.